2019-nCoV AI Cloud

Open Source project to help combat 2019-nCoV with Machine Learning powered by scalable cloud infrastructure



On Dec 31 the World Health Organisation was made aware of an illness showing similarities to respiratory pneumonia with symptoms that include a fever, cough and shortness of breath . The origins of this virus is believed to be in Wuhan City, the Hubei Province of China and is officially known as COVID-19. The virus belongs to a genome (the genetic material of an organism), that includes SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and MERS Middle East Respiratory Syndrome. Given the almost exponential rise of infection rates world wide , early detection of the disease's presence is essential not only to ensure prompt treatment but also to help with the management and control of infection rates in the public domain.

The high infection rates and the shortage of Covid-19 test kits available, increases the necessity of the implementation of an automatic recognition system as a quick alternative to curb the infection rates Thus we propose the use of AI based CT image analysis to detect the virus under Project Treatise of Medical Image Processing v0.2.0.

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Number of CT Scans collected world-wide, we are continously collecting CT Scans as they become available


Number of X-Ray Scans collected in Asia, EU and US


Machine Learning models ChexNet, DenseNet, ResNet18, ResNet50 and VGGNet are used for transfer learning as pre-trained models


Sponsors Africa Business Integration and Intel Corporation

Machine Learning

We propose the use of Deep Neural Networks. As an initial experiment the CheXNeXt Pneumonia Detection Model was used as a baseline architecture where transfer learning was used to detect pneumonia. Secondly three different convolutional neural network architectures (ResNet50, VGGNet and DenseNet) was used to detect Coronavirus infected patients via chest X-rays.


CheXNeXt is a Deep Learning algorithm to concurrently detect 14 clinically important diseases in chest radiographs - by Stanford ML Group


ResNet (Residual Neural Network) is a Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition


VGGNet (Visual Geometry Group Neural Network) is a convolutional neural network for large-scale visual recognition - by Visual Geometry Group University of Oxford


DenseNet is a Densely Connected Convultional Neural Network for visual object recognition

Deep Learning Frameworks

Project TMIP 2019-nCoV makes use of open source deep learning frameworks to build COVID-19 classification algorithms

Big Data

Our data set is consists of publicly available X-Ray and CT Scans of 2019-nCoV cases from Africa, Asia, EU, and the US


Project TMIP 2019-nCoV Detection welcomes contributors and collaboration opportunities. Data sets and software contributions will help us scale the project throughout the world.


2019-nCoV AI Cloud is built on Intel Xeon Scalable Processors for accelerated deep learning and inference workloads in the Cloud.

Contact Us

TMIP 2019-nCoV

Treatise of Medical Image Processing (TMIP) is an Open source project initiated by Intel Software Innovators. The project is licensed under the MIT License

Cape Town
South Africa


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